Formula To Happiness? Study Discovers Secret To Thriving
Formula To Happiness? Study Discovers Secret To Thriving — Feeling Good about Life and Yourself and Being Good at Something
Planning to avoid temptations helps in goal pursuit -- Ending Bad Habits
People who make plans to avoid or handle temptations may be more likely to achieve goals, such as academic and weight loss goals, according to new research by University of Wyoming psychologists.
University of Pennsylvania and MIT joint study on persistence being a trait that young children emulate
The study found that the efforts adults put into their actions, successes and failures, and words affected children’s persistent behavior to differing degrees.
Geniuses Are Great, But Hard Workers Make For Most Inspirational Role Models
Young people are better motivated in scientific fields when they look up to success stories forged through hard work as opposed to genetically-gifted genius.
Happiness comes from effort, not luck
Why Mindfulness Belongs in the Classroom: Research shows mindfulness skills improve memory, organization, reading and math scores, while giving kids the tools they need to handle toxic stress.
New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More Successful
Research shows that success doesn’t bring happiness — happiness brings success.