How to Break Up with Your Bad Habits
By using mindfulness to understand and manage your cravings, you can gradually break free from unwanted habits and regain control over your actions.
To Change Your Behavior Now, Imagine Your Future Self
Your identity drives your behavior, which over time creates your personality. So start acting like the best version of yourself, and you will become that person.
The science of motivation: how to get and stay motivated
While we often seek quick fixes like inspirational books or videos, true motivation returns when we begin taking action and gain momentum. This article gives tips on staying motivated.
Teens Who Practice ‘Transcendent Thinking’ Have Stronger Brains, More Happiness
Engaging in transcendent thinking can benefit teens in surprising ways. Research reveals that this type of thinking not only shapes their brain development but also influences their sense of self and overall happiness later on.
Work productivity improves after 30 minutes of fresh air outdoors, research shows
It won’t take long for you to reap the rewards of spending time in nature, especially if you step outside at work, according to a recent survey of 2,000 employees and 1,000 managers. The research concludes just 29 minutes spent outdoors results in a 45% increase in productivity.