The science of motivation: how to get and stay motivated
While we often seek quick fixes like inspirational books or videos, true motivation returns when we begin taking action and gain momentum. This article gives tips on staying motivated.
Nature sounds can decrease pain, lower stress, and improve your mental health
Here’s one more reason to spend more time outdoors. The sounds of nature can decrease pain, lower stress, improve mood and enhance cognitive performance, according to a new study.
Happiness comes from family, community, nature — not money, study shows
You don’t have to earn six figures and beyond to be happier, according to a new study. People in communities where there is little cash are as contented as those from rich societies.
Giving thanks can make you happier
Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives.
Meaning and Purpose in Life (Not Goals) Protect the Brain
Write your life mission statement and not New Year's Resolutions.
Taking a nature walk at least once a week helps you stay grounded
Work stress rattling your nerves? Taking a nature walk at least once a week will help you stay grounded.
Extroverts more likely to use words like ‘love’ or ‘happy’ — and retailers have taken notice
Researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore say extroverts are more likely to use words that describe a pleasant emotional state like love or happy.