How Mindfulness Builds Belonging
Mindfulness isn't solely about personal improvement; it's about recognizing ourselves in others and being part of something greater.
A moment of reflection each morning can make you a better leader
A moment of reflection each morning can make you a better leader — even if you’re not the boss yet.
Can you change your personality? Scientists say 'maybe'
A review of recent research in personality science points to the possibility that personality traits can change through persistent intervention and major life events.
Alpha generation: Phones, tablets are ‘rewiring’ the way children see the world
For most people of a certain age, their brains tend to see the “big picture” before settling in to focus on the details. Those growing up in the digital age however, are being rewired to see the world a whole lot differently.
Want to Make Someone Feel Better? Validate Their Feelings
Saying “I understand why you feel that way” improves mood and positive affect.
Young adults who spend 5+ hours daily on social media much more likely to be depressed
For children and young adults alike, it can sometimes seem like their smartphones are a part of their bodies. While younger people aren’t the only ones who can develop an addiction to surfing social media all day, a new study finds it can have a serious impact on their mental health.
Warmth and Competence — Don't blame the messenger — unless it's all stats and no story
People rely on two qualities in particular when forming impressions of someone: warmth and competence. Warmth is defined as being friendly, helpful and trustworthy, while competence relates to ability, intelligence and skill.